They say that we, the polishing people, are running from small salaries and social problems in our countries. But if we are running away, it would rather be from broken hearts, broken dreams, broken pride.
It’s better to be a monster than a broken human, I think…


Polishing Iceland is a physical theatre performance conceived and directed by Pálína Jónsdóttir. Based on a short story collection by Ewa Marcinek, the play explores the experience of a Polish immigrant finding her way in Iceland. Pálína Jónsdóttir’s direction turns confusion into comedy and fear into action. Through sensual and surreal physical theatre, Polishing Iceland conveys a universal story about looking for human connection and understanding beyond words. The production features humorous and deeply touching narration with translingual dialogues in English, Icelandic, and Polish.

The play premiered in Reykjavik, on March 11, 2020 at the Tjarnarbíó Theatre.

Rewiew at Fréttablaðið “Það er létt­ur ljóðrænn tónn í sýn­ing­unni, húm­or og ljúfsár írón­ía. Allt borið fram af ör­læti og af­slappaðri fimi / There is a light poetic tone in the show, humor and a sweet irony. Everything is presented with generosity and relaxed dexterity.” — Þorgeir Tryggvason

Review at Kjarninn "Ewa hafi bæði næmt auga og góða til­finn­ingu fyrir menn­ing­ar­mun þeim, sem ríkir á milli hinna tveggja menn­ing­ar­heima, Pól­lands og Íslands. / Ewa had both an eye and a good feeling for the cultural differences that exist between the two cultures, Poland and Iceland."— Jakob S. Jónsson

Review at Tímarit Máls og Menningar "... falleg og skemmtileg. Það verður mjög spennandi að fylgjast með Reykjavík Ensemble í framtíðinni. / …beautiful and fun. It will be very exciting to follow the Reykjavík Ensemble in the future." — Silja Aðalsteinsdóttir